Business Attire
plaid pencil skirt // oversized white sweater // cognac ankle boots // oval sunglasses // watchΒ
Oh, just heading to work in my sweet ride. Wouldn’t we all love to have that car?! haha
I remember always dressing up for school, for work, to movies and people’s get togethers at home.. Friends would ask me “Oh, where are you going to!?” Sometimes I’d feel foolish dressing up, but most of the time it made me feel better doing so! It’s not like I’d ever have a red carpet event to attend to or a Wall Street job that required me to dress the part.
That’s why I love blogging so much. It’s a outlet to showcase all the situations I can pretend to be in! But either way, I’d still encourage everyone to have fun and dress up if you want to, blogging or not. You’d be surprised how much acting like you have a million bucks, makes you feel like a million bucks ;P
Love this skirt!