wide brim fedora black hat oversized black grey long coat duster menswear forever 21 ivory satin slip dress thrift store gold sideways cross necklace daniel wellington sheffield lady rose gold watch platinum blonde tousled hair asos epidemic boots black ankle pointed toe booties industrial edgy trendy modern look fashion street style tan charleston sc blogger like the yogurt dannon k collard

wide brim fedora black hat oversized black grey long coat duster menswear forever 21 ivory satin slip dress thrift store gold sideways cross necklace daniel wellington sheffield lady rose gold watch platinum blonde tousled hair asos epidemic boots black ankle pointed toe booties industrial edgy trendy modern look fashion street style tan charleston sc blogger like the yogurt dannon k collard
wide brim fedora black hat oversized black grey long coat duster menswear forever 21 ivory satin slip dress thrift store gold sideways cross necklace daniel wellington sheffield lady rose gold watch platinum blonde tousled hair asos epidemic boots black ankle pointed toe booties industrial edgy trendy modern look fashion street style tan charleston sc blogger like the yogurt dannon k collard
wide brim fedora black hat oversized black grey long coat duster menswear forever 21 ivory satin slip dress thrift store gold sideways cross necklace daniel wellington sheffield lady rose gold watch platinum blonde tousled hair asos epidemic boots black ankle pointed toe booties industrial edgy trendy modern look fashion street style tan charleston sc blogger like the yogurt dannon k collard
wide brim fedora black hat oversized black grey long coat duster menswear forever 21 ivory satin slip dress thrift store gold sideways cross necklace daniel wellington sheffield lady rose gold watch platinum blonde tousled hair asos epidemic boots black ankle pointed toe booties industrial edgy trendy modern look fashion street style tan charleston sc blogger like the yogurt dannon k collard
wide brim fedora black hat oversized black grey long coat duster menswear forever 21 ivory satin slip dress thrift store gold sideways cross necklace daniel wellington sheffield lady rose gold watch platinum blonde tousled hair asos epidemic boots black ankle pointed toe booties industrial edgy trendy modern look fashion street style tan charleston sc blogger like the yogurt dannon k collard
wide brim fedora black hat oversized black grey long coat duster menswear forever 21 ivory satin slip dress thrift store gold sideways cross necklace daniel wellington sheffield lady rose gold watch platinum blonde tousled hair asos epidemic boots black ankle pointed toe booties industrial edgy trendy modern look fashion street style tan charleston sc blogger like the yogurt dannon k collard

wide brim fedora black hat oversized black grey long coat duster menswear forever 21 ivory satin slip dress thrift store gold sideways cross necklace daniel wellington sheffield lady rose gold watch platinum blonde tousled hair asos epidemic boots black ankle pointed toe booties industrial edgy trendy modern look fashion street style tan charleston sc blogger like the yogurt dannon k collard
wide brim fedora: forever 21 // charcoal long coat: forever 21 // slip dress: goodwill $4 // black ankle boots: ASOS epidemic // watch: daniel wellington sheffield lady // purse: target

Photos by: Clay Austin 

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I remember the first time I tried on a hat like this and my first reaction was “Lets just take that off before someone sees you”. I looked like a mixture between a witch and a cowboy. I couldn’t figure out if it was the hat or if it was me. After I cut my hair last year I was worried about how the long bob would look with hats (I live in beanies!!!) Finally I picked another one out (online this time so I could save myself the embarrassment if it didn’t look right) and it was perfect! This wide brim hat wasn’t so wide brim and fit me perfectly! Still prefer long hair with beanies, but I’m happy to know I don’t have to have it in order to wear all hats. So ladies, if you have had this problem like me, it’s not you! It’s the hat 🙂

Also, I’m sure you guys have noticed I love coats. Mostly because of the warmth, but a big reason is because it doesn’t really matter what you wear underneath! I don’t know what I’ll do in the spring and summer since dark colors and layers are my go to, but we shall see!
Happy Friday everyone!

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  1. You look great! I love that hat on you. It’s always tricky choosing the right hat. I love hats but they require some work. My curly hair has a tendency of getting out of control so it’s tough finding hats that can fit on my head and don’t feel like I’ve put a rubber band over it. Anyway, have a great weekend!


  2. You look great! I love that hat on you. It's always tricky choosing the right hat. I love hats but they require some work. My curly hair has a tendency of getting out of control so it's tough finding hats that can fit on my head and don't feel like I've put a rubber band over it. Anyway, have a great weekend!


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