DIY closet IKEA PAX system storage organize shoe rack made from scratch open space clean how-to before and after like the yogurt master bedroom closet redo renovation white at home shelves drawers dannon k collard

DIY closet IKEA PAX system storage organize shoe rack made from scratch open space clean how-to before and after like the yogurt master bedroom closet redo renovation white at home shelves drawers dannon k collard

DIY closet IKEA PAX system storage organize shoe rack made from scratch open space clean how-to before and after like the yogurt master bedroom closet redo renovation white at home shelves drawers dannon k collard
DIY closet IKEA PAX system storage organize shoe rack made from scratch open space clean how-to before and after like the yogurt master bedroom closet redo renovation white at home shelves drawers dannon k collard
You can find the DIY shoe rack here! πŸ™‚

DIY closet IKEA PAX system storage organize shoe rack made from scratch open space clean how-to before and after like the yogurt master bedroom closet redo renovation white at home shelves drawers dannon k collard

A couple weeks ago, I showed progress on the master closet. Now it’s complete! We wanted to add a shelf to the very top for more storage and I LOVED that! It really completes the look and closes in the wardrobe/hanging sections.

It’s crazy what you can do with the space you have! I love being able to actually walk into my closet now instead of barely being able to stand in it. It made sense to put drawers in since most of the clothes hung up were just hung up because there was no where else to put them. Now it really adds space! The only thing we wish we had it a small closet in our non-existent foyer for winter and long coats…But we put those in the guest closet instead πŸ™‚

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