leather swivel chair bucket vintage modern brown restoration hardware pottery barn

Searching for a masculine recliner for my husband that fits both his bottom and my style ๐Ÿ˜‰

As usual my mind likes to wander..I have already started making messes around the house that I need to clean up, always thinking about starting something else before finishing the other and now I’m on the hunt for another chair that I need, but don’t really need right now! Sound like any of you?

Wow. 2015 is starting out wonderfully…overwhelming! lol

None the less, I need your opinions.

We really need another chair in the living room for guests. Josh wants a leather recliner like this (of course…) and I want it esthetically pleasing (more than likely uncomfortable) piece of wonderful.

Personally I would like a white modern rocker and a leather butterfly chair (crap why didn’t I find this before it sold out!) But there are others places I can put them in the house so he can have his one chair.

Back to the recliner…I’d really like a modern one if we went that route. Swivel, like in the picture above, or something! But like this one, this one, and this one the prices for these are outrageous!


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