Hey guys! It’s been forever! And I’m so sorry for me not posting regularly like I should. Major kudos to bloggers who can still kick butt at work, even when life happens!!

Guest Bath Process

So if you can remember that far back, I shared aΒ post about the inspiration for the guest bath…way, way back ;).. Well we FINALLY finished every last detail for it! And I will be sharing a teaser today on my Instagram, along with a complete reveal post next week, but for now I wanted to post the process of that renovation.

Demolition!!!!! (My favorite part)

Guest Bath Process Clawfoot Tub Historic Downtown Home renovation bathroom hardwood white mid century Charleston Fashion Blogger Dannon K. Collard Like The Yogurt

If you’re a chick who’s interested in demos and literally Doing It Yourself projects, good news-it’s not as scary as it looks!

First, I used a razor/pocket knife and cut the caulk on all sides of the shower walls to separate it from the drywall.
Then I took a small crowbar and hammer and started pulling the shower walls away from the drywall. (No you can’t just cut the drywall haha)
After you remove the walls, take the razor and cut the caulk around the tub. You’ll need to remove the shoe molding in front of the tub if you have it as well.
Remove the tub (You’ll def need help for that!) Then cut and remove the drywall.

Guest Bath Process Clawfoot Tub Historic Downtown Home renovation bathroom hardwood white mid century Charleston Fashion Blogger Dannon K. Collard Like The Yogurt

Oh yeah, nastayyy. I love finding how gross old homes can be underneath the service while renovating. It makes me feel better about tearing up something that could have potentially been fine the way it was haha

Guest Bath Process Clawfoot Tub Historic Downtown Home renovation bathroom hardwood white mid century Charleston Fashion Blogger Dannon K. Collard Like The Yogurt

After we took out the tub, we were so happy to find the original hardwood flooring underneath (I really wanted to keep that!)

We cut an area in the floor around the drain, then got started right on the dreaded plumbing (not our forte at all..)

SIDE NOTE: I found a clawfoot tub off of craigslist for a steal back in 2013 (yep, I’ve saved it for this long). Ashamed to say this thing almost cost me my life, but after driving myself 2 hours away to pick it up..in a mobile home..with broken windows..gas tank on E..phone dies right as I’m driving up..no charger..no gps..(yeah, I was an idiot) But after all was said and done, I got my tub. After waiting years to install, I was getting my tub installed. But I couldn’t afford ANY other mishaps with this thing for the sake of my husbands sanity. Whoops =D

Thankfully with Youtube, we figured everything out. (..After the tub barely fit through the stairs and bathroom door, after we couldn’t find plumbing parts for the “one-of-a-kind” clawfoot tub, after fixing leaks 100 times and then ultimately buying a new faucet for it..haha I said whoops!!)

All-in-all, it’s just removing all the shower hardware, cutting and rerouting the pex tubing, and readjusting (or remaking) the PVC drain so it meets the exposed drain pipe connected to tub. If you’re buying a new tub, or even a kit for a clawfoot tub, they will generally come with everything you need (drain and overflow pipes, water supply lines, faucet head, etc)

Guest Bath Process Clawfoot Tub Historic Downtown Home renovation bathroom hardwood white mid century Charleston Fashion Blogger Dannon K. Collard Like The Yogurt

Guest Bath Process Clawfoot Tub Historic Downtown Home renovation bathroom hardwood white mid century Charleston Fashion Blogger Dannon K. Collard Like The Yogurt

Then I:

Put in new drywall
Spackled, sanded, spackled, sanded, spackled, sanded
Primed, painted
Sanded floors, stained floors, sealed floors
Re-install base molding, putty, caulk
yada yada yada…

Guest Bath Process Clawfoot Tub Historic Downtown Home renovation bathroom hardwood white mid century Charleston Fashion Blogger Dannon K. Collard Like The Yogurt

FINALLY I was able to decorate and enjoy all the hard work that was put into it!

Guest Bath Process Clawfoot Tub Historic Downtown Home renovation bathroom hardwood white mid century Charleston Fashion Blogger Dannon K. Collard Like The Yogurt

Guest Bath Process Clawfoot Tub Historic Downtown Home renovation bathroom hardwood white mid century Charleston Fashion Blogger Dannon K. Collard Like The Yogurt

If you all had any questions specifically on this reno, I’d be happy to answer! All the decor and fixtures will be linked in the reveal post next week! πŸ™‚


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