Gift Registry!

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Hey guys! I hope everyone had a happy Halloween! So this post is going to be random, but not because I don’t have anything to post, but because I have everything on my mind! Ever have those days?! Well I’ll try to contain myself and only talk about one of those things 🙂

I’m REALLY getting into the holiday spirit right now! I think when you travel during the busy time of year, it can take away that spirt of those Italy sucked the life out of Halloween this year. Not complaining! But Definitely going to keep that in mind when we plan our next trip!

But I came across this gift registry site that is genius!! You make a list of things you want for your birthday, Christmas, etc and then you can share it with friends and family! It’s the perfect way to let people know what you’d buy yourself (anything not purchased by someone else on my list will be purchased by me! lol) and get them gifts, not boring cash or gift cards, that they actually want/need! It includes the picture of what you want, link of where to get it and price.

Here’s my hubby’s list below..

so typical 😛

We used to by things for each other off our “Watch List” on Ebay, but because we shared the account, you couldn’t be surprised at what the other was buying.

I’m a huge gift giver. It’s my love language 😉 And I absolutely LOVE using this! Go check it out!

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