new ikea closet PAX wardrobe frame charlotte north carolina complement shelves drawers 19" x 22" x 79" under $200 under $300 Friends and Family discount clothes organizing space removing popcorn ceiling redo home renovation change flip before and after

I’ve been going through withdrawals from home renovations. Between going to school and our Italy trip last year (not to mention a tiny new pool we went ahead and put in..more on that later!) We haven’t had any time (or $$) to think about our home.

The first 2 years we were here, we knocked out so many projects. However, with that one year break, I felt like we were finished with an incomplete home. So now I want to knock as much out this year as I can!

First things first..the closet.

new ikea closet PAX wardrobe frame charlotte north carolina complement shelves drawers 19" x 22" x 79" under $200 under $300 Friends and Family discount clothes organizing space removing popcorn ceiling redo home renovation change flip before and after

new ikea closet PAX wardrobe frame charlotte north carolina complement shelves drawers 19" x 22" x 79" under $200 under $300 Friends and Family discount clothes organizing space removing popcorn ceiling redo home renovation change flip before and after

We went up to Ikea in Charlotte right before celebrating the New Year in Asheville. I had already taken measurements of the closet and wrote out all the items (and product numbers) we needed to get to make it easier on my husband..and prove to him that I was serious about this! lol

I chose the 19″ X 22″ X 79″ Wardrobe frame, 3 Komplement 19″ x 22″ shelves, 5 Komplement 19″ x 22″ drawers and 4 Komplement 29″ rods. I believe we ended up spending around $275 for everything and that was including the Family/Friends discount that ends on January 27th!

When we got home, the first thing we did was empty out the closet! I was so excited I forgot to take a before picture at first! (Notice some clothes missing from the left side.)

Then we took down the original hardware/shelves and then thought..should we go ahead and take down the popcorn ceiling? (Sidenote: we have talked about getting rid of these, but then we’d have to do the rest of the house. The idea scared me at first, but I’ve hated the popcorn falling onto my clothes when I try to pull down purses from the top shelf!)  So we decided to do it and man does it make a difference! And it’s actually not that hard. Mess wasn’t a big deal either, but hey, we took everything out of the room lol

new ikea closet PAX wardrobe frame charlotte north carolina complement shelves drawers 19" x 22" x 79" under $200 under $300 Friends and Family discount clothes organizing space removing popcorn ceiling redo home renovation change flip before and after

While I was taking down the popcorn ceiling, Josh was puttying up the holes and sanding them down.  Then I went straight for the primer! We got all of this done in a couple of hours which I was so happy about!

new ikea closet PAX wardrobe frame charlotte north carolina complement shelves drawers 19" x 22" x 79" under $200 under $300 Friends and Family discount clothes organizing space removing popcorn ceiling redo home renovation change flip before and after
After a paint job the next day, we installed the main part of the closet!
new ikea closet PAX wardrobe frame charlotte north carolina complement shelves drawers 19" x 22" x 79" under $200 under $300 Friends and Family discount clothes organizing space removing popcorn ceiling redo home renovation change flip before and after
And then I started pulling things off the hanger, folding them, and filling up those drawers.
new ikea closet PAX wardrobe frame charlotte north carolina complement shelves drawers 19" x 22" x 79" under $200 under $300 Friends and Family discount clothes organizing space removing popcorn ceiling redo home renovation change flip before and after
Tonight we’ll be installing the rods and put away the rest of the clothes. We’ll also be putting in white laminate selves, to the far left/opposite the window, to hold all my shoes!!
I’m excited to be able to actually walk-in to our closet instead of reaching in. We had more room then we thought. And it’s really not necessary to hang everything. In fact, I noticed a lot of my sweaters were ruined in the shoulders from having been hanged 🙁 
Stay tuned for the full reveal! Hope everyone had an awesome Christmas and New Year! And start working on those projects!!!

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